Muscle and joint repair
The Cold That Heals
Quite simply, people feel less pain and soreness in their injured or affected areas after Cryotherapy.
Whole Body Cryotherapy reduces inflammation, promotes rapid healing and minimizes pain. You may add a second procedure with Local Cryotherapy to provide more direct cool to the very specific area which accelerates healing to get you back to full mobility as soon as possible.
When you place force against a muscle, you create tiny little microscopic tears, which then must repair. By utilizing either of the two Cryo modalities, you work out more effectively by healing your muscles at a faster rate.
Less soreness = more productive workouts!

Cryotherapy Treatments to promote Muscle and Joint Health
For joint repair, whether it is the result of an injury, overuse or a form or arthritis, you have two options. First, you may elect Whole Body Cryotherapy, which will reduce inflammation, promote rapid healing and minimize pain. Second, you may add an additional treatment with the hand held wand to provide more direct cool to the very specific area. Cryotherapy is also an excellent choice post-surgery as it accelerates healing to get you back to full mobility as soon as possible.
The key to gaining strength, leanness and appearance is lean muscle tissue. Lean muscle tissue is also the engine of your metabolism and optimizing it is essential to reducing body fat and weight. When you place force against a muscle, you create tiny little microscopic tears, which then must repair. By utilizing Cryotherapy you accelerate this muscle repair process so that you achieve your specific goals that much faster.
Join us at our convenient
location in Lincoln Park. Cross streets
are Sheffield and Wrightwood.
always available on Lincoln Ave.